List Progress

101 102 Things To Do In 1001 Days
To be completed by August 16, 2016
1. Start a blog
2. Submit a story/poem to Chicken Soup for the Soul
3. Arrange a clarinet solo to play in church
4. Finish knitting a scarf
5. Take a painting class
6. Go to Brush & Barrel or Vino van Gogh (or both!)
7. Run a mile without stopping/attempt couch to 5K plan (with full attemption)
8.Paint penguin/rose that I made in pottery
9.Plan a trip with friends
10.Eat no added sugar for a month/whole 30 challenge
11. Make a crayon/blow dryer picture!
12. Become a Master
13. Adopt a dog (or other animal) from a shelter
14. Re-enact an old picture
15. Play messy twister
16. Donate hair to locks of love (or other similar organization) again
17. Plan a trip to Nashville w/ Katie! 
18. Get a sewing machine and use it!
19. Go through and clean out/check all e-mails in inbox(s)!
20. Get a massage
21. Get a manicure/pedicure
22. Get recipes from mom and put in family cookbook!
23. Find/join a bible study
24. Go to a Meetup (intentionally)
25. Start doing Thank you Thursday (1 a month at least)
26. Make a t-shirt quilt out of my high school t-shirts
27. 100 day food challenge
28. Try out cross country skiing
29. Go to Terry Trueblood (and actually spend some time on the pond!)
30. Organize photos from phone and camera by events
31. Organize craft things into containers
32. Tie dye lots of things!/try different patterns
33. Cook my way through a cookbook
34. Watch all Lady Antebellum Webisode Wednesdays
35. Make my own vanilla
36. Start my own compost
37. Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind"
38. Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the Alphabet
39. Read 26 books I’ve never heard of starting with each letter of the Alphabet
40. Tie a note to a balloon and let it go.
41. Start writing a book
42. Finish a Sudoku book
43. Use my passport again before it expires
44. Find a good devotion book and use it!
45. Write a letter to myself to open at the end of this challenge.
46. Find all the Herky statues and take a picture with them
47. Plan a Russian reunion!!
48. Weekend trip to Des Moines
49. Write a letter to a soldier or child in the hospital (or both!)
50. Sponsor a wildlife animal
51. Research natural counseling methods
52. Eat 5 fruits/veggie servings a day, 5 days a week for a year
53. Make one Pinterest craft/DIY a month
54. Make homemade eggnog
55. Explore/get resources off of ISCA, ASCA and ACA websites and compile them/organize my grad school stuff
56. See a new Broadway or Off-Broadway musical
57. Sponsor a compassion child
58. Track all expenses for 2 months and create a budget
59. Eat at Devotay
60. Go to a kettle bells class
61. Attend yoga regularly for 2 months
62. Learn to play the guitar (at least 1 song well)
63. Go completely technology free for a week.
64. Place a geocache
65. Spend a day geocaching
66. Read the whole Bible
67. Go to Kalona
68. Put $10 into savings for each goal accomplished
69. Create a four seasons photo by taking a pictures of the same place during all four seasons.
70. Create a happy memories jar for the year to open on New Year’s Eve the next year.
71. Complete the plank challenge
72. Host a board game night and cook dinner for people
73. Tour a local winery (Fireside Winery Harvest!)
74. Do 10 Random acts of kindness
75. Ride in a hot air balloon
76. Go to California with Maggie!
77. Discover 5 new nature areas/parks in the Iowa City area
78. Finish cleaning the storage room at home
79. Read a classic book
80. Make a purse/side bag
81. Try laughter yoga
82. Camping in Decorah
83. Natural/homemade facial treatment
84. Deep hair conditioning/natural hair method
85. Have a picnic in a park (on a blanket)
86. Pick a quote of the week to reflect on/live by
87. Recycle my own paper
88. Keep a quote/poetry/writing journal
89. Hide a positive note somewhere for someone to hide (library book, store, etc.)
90. Complete an alphabet photo series
91. Experiment with altered books
92. Home teeth whitening
93. Floss every day for a month
94. Organize my pinterest boards more efficiently
95. Have a soup party
96. Get up early to go for a walk or to the gym 4 weekdays for a month
97. Complete the Great River Road geocaching series.
98. Improve my dress clothes wardrobe (Find and buy a nice blazer, among other things)
99. Take an unplanned road trip – Just drive.
100. Go one month without buying anything (except food-but made at home food or other necessary things)
101. Have a day-long Nicholas Sparks movie marathon pajama party with a friend(s)
102. Go ice skating!

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